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Medical Assistant Schools in Bakersfield CA

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UEI College

Here at UEI College, our vocational and trade school programs are built around you. We know life can get busy, that’s why we offer morning and evening classes that put you back in control of your time. The wide range of programs we offer gives you the opportunity to get real-world experience at a local employer through an externship opportunity. Our instructors will know your name and your challenges and respect the discipline it takes to come to school every day and work for a better future. Learn more by requesting information today and take a step towards a future you can be proud of!




With over 25 years’ experience, CareerStep offers learners a humans-come-first approach to learning in the fields of healthcare, administration, and technology. CareerStep offers fully online training programs designed to provide flexibility and allow you to take a self-paced learning approach. You will work with a Career Advisor to discuss your goals, choose your program and then start your training.

CareerStep offers online training solutions that focus on helping learners gain the career skills they need to succeed in various industries. CareerStep offers programs in the allied health, administrative services, and technology industries. CareerStep’s training programs are offered entirely online, providing flexibility and a self-paced approach to learning.

CareerStep training offers you the following benefits:

  • Flexible online training that lets you learn on your schedule
  • One-on-one instructor access throughout the course
  • Graduate resources to help you turn your education into a job
  • Do not sell my personal info:

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